Giant sneaking
Episode 1: Giant Sneaking into your Life
Click here to listen to the podcast or search for "Our Life Giant" in all major podcast stations.
Hello there! My name is Marilyn, and I have a passion for sharing inspiring stories about real people and their experiences. My goal is to make you feel heard, happier, and perhaps even more fulfilled by providing another voice that resonates with you.
Have you ever had the sensation of being watched by an invisible giant, observing your every move? I certainly have! Ever since I was young, I've had this peculiar feeling of a giant camera or presence overseeing my life. While I can't pinpoint exactly when this started, I noticed it particularly during crowded moments, as I observed people's behavior and wondered about my own sense of uniqueness.
Do you relate to this experience? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts and include your story in my upcoming blogs. Please leave a comment below and let's explore the concept of our life giants together.
As these reflections intensified, I found myself questioning my own identity: "Who am I?" These thoughts would often occupy my mind, especially when I found myself amidst a crowd, where I felt like the main character in a movie.
It's an intriguing feeling, knowing that our actions and words are being observed, either consciously or subconsciously. Perhaps this awareness compels us to strive for righteousness, always aiming to do the right thing. I often find myself reflecting on my daily actions, contemplating if I've lived up to my moral standards.
Stay tuned for more blogs about the concept of the life giant. I invite you to share this blog with others and keep an eye out for the next episode, where I'll be sharing my encounters with ghosts during a school camp.
Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!
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